So,with the madness starting this summer.I remembered all the good days I've had there
and some bad(and there was A LOT trust me)!I'll be back to the uniformity being accepted as
an only good thing,and Im gonna get more rude stares.You know,Im not asking for it.Its just how I dress
and I know what kind of impression I make.I watched a movie Burlesque yesterday(with queen plastics Cher,and Christina Aguilera),and now If anyone
calls me a hillbillie(and I hope he will because I'll use this incredible inuslt)''Yeah,at least we recognize cows''pointing at the person(of course).Ok,20 century nostalgia is back,and its bigger
than before,because(again)Im back to school,and it will remind me on technology,ships not being made of wood,thight stuff,polka dot baggy sweaters and pencil skirts not being fashionable and everyone-who-is-different-is-a-loserormity-.So I thought how world is actually full of
Pink Ladies(just in a different,even worse way)
and If there was really a club similar to Pink Ladies it would be called Fancy Bitches
Ever saw young teen gals,having fun like this??

Nope,I havent.Teen fun of today is texting and net chatting even when you're in a same room!But,many get out, text to their boyfriends on the fresh air!When I made a Halloween party,for my 3 (so not)friends.I thought we're gonna trick or treat.Or have fun inside.But all they did,was checking mail and facebook(on their phone).Yeah,I might be considered an old grumpy granny,or a 2 year old who wants to play games(I wish you saw my face now!)Grow up!Go on the net!We are so not 6 anymore(yeah,we're not but we're 12!),you're so madieval!Those were their words!
Anyways,I am going to another school this year,and Im not gonna try to blend in.I know Im gonna make good friends there.While girls will probably have something against me...To tell you honestly-I am scared.You know,you never know what will happen,cuz everyone have stereotypes about new students.Well...what are ya gonna do.But Im also excited to see what'll happen.Its like Im talking about another person's life,like I cant wait what SHE'LL do in new school,when Its actually me.You know,I've never been this excited...and to show you how excited I am-Im gonna eat a raw potato on the last day of august(also known as the August The Last).Yeah,Im overflowing with excitement!And I just wanna go there!
Cant wait!(In case you dont get it-I am KIDDING,but you DO get it.)
And I just wanna say something that is not VERY related to my previous paragraf,but it is kinda..
Whats up with Bieber-mania.What is so great about him that girls like?I really dont get it..his songs arent that great,and now Its not about taste,do they feel something when they listen to it?Some nostalgia,sadness,happiness,childhood memory.well.theres not emotion..just girl-boy song.
And with this,we're back to unformity.I shouldnt discuss this..I should forget about them...let them live their lives.But Its so shocking.It annoys me..everytime school starts over and over.I mean they think they're so cool,that they were laughing at me when I put a cold bottle of water on my head on very hot day..I mean COME ON!Ok I gotta stop the end..I'll end up in a corner rocking myself like a lunetic..
(Excuse me,I just gotta yell for a moment)
(Im okay)
And I came back to add 3 most beautiful songs
This is my taste.And when it comes to music,its not a lot quirky..
But,of course for my classmates its''OMG what are you listening to,you are SO WEIRD!
No...undear friends-YOU ARE!
And this is how a fashion blog,turns into a hullabaloo!
(Im okay)
And I came back to add 3 most beautiful songs
This is my taste.And when it comes to music,its not a lot quirky..
But,of course for my classmates its''OMG what are you listening to,you are SO WEIRD!
No...undear friends-YOU ARE!
And this is how a fashion blog,turns into a hullabaloo!
Ok,I'll show you what my nostalgia looks like,and what is still reminding me...on the past century today.(I am 12.Im not hiding my identity like an 50 year old woman,but you dont know what it feels,when you wanna live in the time,when you werent even born!)Or maybe you do,...(but for that you'd need to be 3 to 15).
Marylin Monroe,of course.
Olivia Newton-John as Sandy Olsson in Grease,
from super cute to super hot
Arent these gorgeous??What??Are we sharing the same opinion...Oh..I suppose not....
Something I cant live without(actually I can,but it sounds dramatic when I say it like
this) candy,chocolate,cute bedrooms....and chocolate again!
this) candy,chocolate,cute bedrooms....and chocolate again!
And If you're asking,whats reminding me,on the past century today??
Well,watch TV,read old magazines,see old pictures,or get into ur mom's and dad's clothes from the 80's.I dont even need to add pictures so u know what remained.
Answer is:nothing.But theres always a memory(which I dont have)....
And my(finally made up m mind)postly soundtrack:
P.S.Passangers,and dear followers(and there isnt many) plz comment my blog,so I see that somebody was here,and check the posts down there,and I dont know why Im reminding you to check the posts down there,bcuz you're gonna do it anyway.
Thank you!
Btw,the pictures of me and my precious clothing,are gonna be posted soon.I promise!And you're dying to see them(Yeah right..)
And just something else:I dont know If its me,but when you comment can you tell me If you saw the posts down there.Im just they show up when you read my blog.Just asking you to do irony or anything like that.So...can you see the posts,or this is the only one?
Cant wait to post outfits!And then,my blog will be similar to other fashion bloggers...(unfortunately).
But you know,If I wrote about fashion all the time people would be really bored.I mean..c'mon..
who wants to hear about catwalk and collections all the time???